Friday, October 9, 2015

What qualities and accomplishments do you look for in a presidential candidate?

We should be asking ourselves what is the nature of their character.

How do we evaluate character?
Through a feeling we get from watching them during debates and public appearances on the campaign trail. Yet, if we are not careful, the feeling is swayed, not by the integrity of the person, but by superficial criterion.

Does a candidate’s moral code need to align with ours? How do we reconcile their career success with their polarizing stances on hot button topics like immigration? Does the lack of charisma or good looks turn us off?

Asking these questions requires brutal honesty and self-enquiry.

Are we capable of taking a step back and looking at the candidates anew?
Only by taking a step back and feeling that person from an unbiased place within ourselves, can we get a sense of that individual’s character.

Wouldn’t it be refreshing if one candidate could respond to the other by saying, “That is an excellent point you make. On the other hand, let’s consider this.”

The point here is that we should look out for our knee-jerk reactions and tendency to dismiss certain candidates without asking the deeper questions. Wisdom means balance. It’s not black and white.

Before we can evaluate a Presidential candidate, we must be able to find the place of balance within ourselves.

I have no intention here of offering my personal perspective on any of the candidates. Instead, I offer questions as food for thought.

I ask you to look beyond your biases and conditioned responses, because only then can you access the wisdom that lies deep within you.

As you watch the presidential debates, remember that a wise, discerning and effective leader will only be elected by wise, discerning and reflective voters.

  Presidential Debates: What We Should be Asking Ourselves.
Michael Mamas Blog

See Questions On Quora

from Michael Mamas on Quora

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