Thursday, October 29, 2015

What kind of meditation is effective for enlightenment?

This simple principle is responsible for the profoundly elusive mysteries of life.  Everything is an echo of something deeper.  Unless we are attentive, we equate the echo with the real thing.  Many well-intended teachers provide meditation techniques that provide students with an echo.  Echoes of truth, perceived as truth, hold truth at bay.  This exists eternally in all of life.  It is why true spiritual growth is likened to traversing a razors edge or passing through the eye of the needle.
So how do you take this and decide if you are doing a proper meditation that is actually working?  Well, there are a few fundamental qualities…  the meditation must be natural…  easy… simple… etc.  However, you can say that about many things.  So the ultimate answer boils down to the cultivation of discernment.  You must become discerning in your evaluation of all things…  including the choice of the meditation technique you use.
Keep in mind that we do not meditate to attain a particular experience during meditation.  We meditate for the benefits meditation provides…  the purification of the nervous system and physiology.  The actual experience of meditation can vary, based upon the way each individual’s physiology is purifying at a particular time.
I know this can be unsatisfying, but it is the truth.  We all would like to have a signpost along the way, confirming we are moving in the right direction.  However, the only genuine signpost is accessible deep within you.  As you cultivate and employ wise discernment, it becomes more accessible to you.
Listen carefully in life and choose wisely.  Admittedly, it is enjoyable and encouraging to have a meditation that feels deep and profound, but let the path of discernment be your guiding light.

Learn Surya Ram Meditation
Michael Mamas Blog

See Questions On Quora

from Michael Mamas on Quora

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