Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Developing the human consciousness

Image Source: thenewsdoctors.com

Dr. Michael Mamas, the founder and the chief executive officer of the Center of Rational Spirituality, shares his knowledge with others through programs that enliven one’s depth, free people from conditioning, and facilitate the natural unfolding of a person’s true nature.

Dr. Mamas has embarked on a lifelong search for wisdom and it has led him to seek tutelage from the great thinkers of the United States, India, Europe, China, and the Philippines. He now uses the wisdom and knowledge to develop people’s consciousness and enable them to achieve a higher state of being.

As individuals develop their consciousness, they are awakened to their inherent spirituality and health. Many people feel that seeking enlightenment is too difficult and they give up before they have even started on their own journey. However, in reality, enlightenment can be the simplest thing in the world because it is all a matter of being natural.

Image Source: thelivingyogablog.com

Within each individual is the source of human potential and wisdom in its natural state. This is often obscured by conditioning and a host of barriers posed by a person’s economic, cultural, intellectual, and social circumstances. Through proper meditation and rational spiritual thought and practice, however, it is possible to return to one’s natural state and become once again connected with one’s own divinity and goodness.

Image Source: higherperspective.com

Find more articles about developing the human consciousness through meditation by visiting this Facebook page.

~ Excerpt from article, The Awakening: Throughout history, it has been commonly recognized that all things are one. For centuries, that unifying factor has been called God. In recent times, it has been referred to as the unified field of modern physics. What has been far less commonly recognized is man’s place in that unified system of existence.  ~

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